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Almost there

Still a lot of dirt left over that I'm going to have to figure out what to do with, and probably buy some more plants to go in them... but that's the fun part.

In the U shaped beds I have 3 types of tomatoes - Brandywine, Sunny Boy, and San Marazanos (I have another San Marazano plant in one of the pots). 3 types of peppers - early jalapeño bushes, Santa Fe hot, and some kinda Mocha Swirl. 2 zucchini plants, a previously growing asparagus plant (that Sidney kept eating) as well as a small primrose, and then a few corn plants.

In the two standing beds is 2 different types of strawberries, with a third type in one of the white beds. Peas in the trellis beds, onions in one of the white beds, and radishes in the third. A tub just for spearmint and I'll probably grow some other mints (seriously don't grow mint with other things, it takes over).

Sugar pumpkin, watermelon, Roma tomatoes, veranda cherry tomatoes, oregano, basil, more onions, and cucumbers in the pots.

This is my first time raising plants from seeds - we'll see how this goes!

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Rib Rub pt 2!

I'd just live stream this, but I don't have something to hold my phone. Maybe I'll figure that out in a minute

Roast Rub pt 2!
Prime rib rub! Pt 1

Just getting this started. Here's a couple little videos!

The Little Mermaid

I know so many people who have no idea about the original story of The Little Mermaid, and so I decided to read it.

This audio only is exclusive here on Locals, where I will release all audios first.

I hope you enjoy it!

The Little Mermaid
Pumpkins and bread

Hey guys, I just realized time got really away from me today - Tomorrow we will do some bread baking and pumpkin carving so stop by at 1 PM Mountain time, and we'll kick off Halloween!

Stream tomorrow!

Yes, again! I'm sorry! I have to call off.

NoGreenRocks needed someone to lead the MemeStream, as he's not quite in the right headspace, so I volunteered.

Catch me and Sheep at 2 PM Mountain time on the Legion of Memers Channel while we bring a little light and laughter!


I'm a moron and forgot - I just finished The Reel McCoy (which was a great time!

Next week will be a baked macaroni and cheese recipe I'm mulling over. Something a little of my own invention, and I'm looking forward to it!

See you then!

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